Wednesday 20 November 2013

What is MVC How to get Started with MVC 4.0 Step by Step

What is MVC How to get Started with MVC 4.0 Step by Step

MVC Architecture has implemented by Trygve Reenskaug at 1979 for the first time. It was implemented on Smalltalk at Xerox labs. Then benefits and advantages of this architecture has been accepted by most of the coders and software engineers.

It was information about MVC’s history above. Now let’s talk about what really MVC is. What do you understand from MVC . It stands for model-view-controller. It is a design pattern which separates an application into 3 logical tiers: domain, input, and presentation.  This isolation between layers yields independent development, testing, and maintenance of each. MVC-based applications contain:

• Models: The model can be thought of as the business layer. It performs application logic and used to maintain the state of the application typically in a database.

• Views: Template files that your application uses to dynamically generate HTML    responses. Means view is a component that is used to display the UI which can often be a direct representation of the model’s state.  For an example the model may return a collection of Student Records from the database.  The View could display the Students in a Grid View/Data Grid.

• Controllers: Classes that handle incoming browser requests, retrieve model data, and then specify view templates that return a response to the browser. We’ll be covering all these concepts in this tutorial series and show you how to use them to build an application.

Advantages of ASP.NET MVC 

  1. Separation of model, view, controller results in reduction of complexity, promotes parallel     development, and easier to maintain. 
  2. Enables full control over rendered HTML (leaner html rendering). 
  3. Works much better with automated testing as all core contracts are interface based.  You   can run unit-tests without having to run the controllers under an ASP.NET process. 
  4. Does not use view state or postbacks (no view stage = quicker load times). 
  5. Framework is very extensible and pluggable. 
  6. Supports existing markup (aspx , master pages, ascx, inline expressions). 
  7. Supports existing session, caching, authentication, etc. 
  8. Easy integration with JavaScript frameworks. 
  9. Follows the design of a stateless web.

Getting Started MVC 4.0 Step by Step…………………………….

Start by running Visual Studio 12 and select New Project from the Start page.
Visual Web Developer is an IDE, or integrated development environment. Just like you use Microsoft Word to write documents, you'll use an IDE to create applications. In Visual Web Developer there's a toolbar along the top showing various options available to you. There's also a menu that provides another way to perform tasks in the IDE. (For example, instead of selecting New Project from the Start page, you can use the menu and Select File>New Project.)

Creating Your First Application
You can create applications using either Visual Basic or Visual C# as the programming language. Select Visual
C# on the left and then select ASP.NET MVC 4 Web Application. Name your project "MyFirstMvcApplication" and then click OK.

In the New ASP.NET MVC 4 Project dialog box, select Empty. Leave Razor as the default view engine.

After Clicking Ok Button You will find Model View Controller with Separate folder

Then How to add Controller ……………………………………..

When you add Controller in your MVC Application Next Follow the step
Name your new controller "MyFirstController". Leave the default template as Empty controller and click Add.

Notice in Solution Explorer that a new file has been created named MyFirstController.cs The file is open in the IDE.


  1. sir images are not visible ,please display images in full view

  2. nice article sir................

  3. @@Mr. Kumar , Please double click on the images.
